Need for additional manpower?
Customs declarants and consultants who can get to work quickly and are up to date with current customs laws and regulations, without locking you into anything. Short term solution through ECC's large network.
Additional manpower needed? Or do you have a specific customs issue?
Good customs declarants are scarce. Difficult, when you need someone quickly to support you with your customs clearance. Fortunately, we have built up a large network and can offer you a solution at short notice.
There are times when your customs department could use extra support. Customs declarants who can get to work quickly and are up to date with current customs legislation and regulations, without being tied down. When you are facing staff shortages or peak periods in your customs department, European Customs Clearance can take care of it for you.
The area of knowledge of our (assistant) declarants covers the entire range in the customs technical field, both fiscal and non-fiscal. Of course always in accordance and taking into account the legal requirements within the framework of international and national customs legislation.
You can also turn to European Customs Clearance for additional knowledge on customs matters. Our customs consultants handle time consuming and specialized issues for you such as: refund requests, objections & appeals; handling of non-cleared transit documents; guiding and applying for binding tariff information and other types of customs permits. Writing the necessary AO/IC, regardless of any customs economic arrangement, including: customs warehousing (storage under customs bond), inward and outward processing, temporary importation and the like; advising, supporting and assisting in self-assessment for Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification.
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Madelon Popa
Secondment & Consultancy