What is an ATA carnet document?
An ATA carnet is an international customs document used to allow temporary importation of goods without paying taxes or customs duties. The ATA carnet, also known as "the international passport for goods," simplifies and accelerates the cross-border transportation of goods for temporary purposes, such as fairs, exhibitions, and professional equipment.
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How does an ATA carnet work?
An ATA carnet acts as a guarantee to the customs authorities that temporarily imported goods will be re-exported within a certain period of time. The document replaces the normal customs documents and ensures that goods can easily cross the border without paying taxes or customs duties.
The ATA carnet consists of several sections, including:
- Information on the exporter, importer and any intermediaries.
- A detailed description of the goods, including serial or identification numbers if applicable.
- Indication of country of origin and intended country of destination.
- An overview of the validity period of the ATA carnet.
Upon arrival at the destination, the ATA carnet is presented to the customs authorities, who verify the data and stamp the document. In this way, the goods can be legally used or exhibited in the country visited. When leaving the country, the ATA carnet is stamped again, proving that the goods are being re-exported.
Frequently asked questions about the ATA carnet document:
Which countries accept ATA carnets?
Several countries around the world are members of the ATA carnet system, including most European countries, the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan and many more. It is advisable to check the current list of member countries with your local Chamber of Commerce.
How long is an ATA carnet valid?
An ATA carnet is generally valid for one year. Within this period, you can make several international trips for temporary import and export of the goods. It is important to ensure that the ATA carnet is valid throughout the trip.
What happens if I don't return the goods on time?
If the goods are not returned to the country of origin on time, customs duties and penalties may apply. It is essential to properly manage the validity period of the ATA carnet and ensure that the goods are exported within the stipulated period.